Most homeowners insurance policies do not offer adequate coverage for your valuable personal property. Think of it this way, homeowners insurance is designed to cover you for major losses, losses that can put a major financial strain on you and your family. Therefore a homeowners policy has coverage limitations for high value items. Not properly insuring your high value items can leave you not only without your priceless possessions but also monetarily out of pocket.
To insure your rings and jewelry the right way you need to use the right policy. Valuable personal property policies also known as inland marine policies are designed to cover high priced personal property (like jewelry and wedding rings) gaps that are apparent in your typical homeowners or renters insurance policy. This is the policy you need to use to cover your high priced items which will be covered on a blanket or scheduled basis. A "blanket" policy means that you have a specific coverage amount covering all your high priced items. A "scheduled" policy means that you specifically name and cover your items for a stated amount. In general these policies do not have a deductible and cover your property at an agreed upon value.
So in order to cover your Wedding Rings and High Priced Jewelry for example in San Antonio TX you need to:
- Insure your High Priced Jewelry on a "Scheduled" or "Blanket" Valuable Personal Property Policy
- Don't rely on your San Antonio Homeowners Insurance policy to cover these items or you will be very disappointed if you have a loss
- Remember that Wedding Ring Insurance in San Antonio can be found easily by an Independent Agent that specializes in San Antonio Insurance
If you have high priced jewelry or items that you care about protecting, you should ensure that it is properly insured. Contact your agent today and inquire about these policies. For the average insured, the cost of this policy is fairly inexpensive and definitely worth the premium if you are ever to have a loss.
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