Thankfully, today the concepts, designs, colours and types of wedding accessories have given rise to a limitless number of options for a couple to select from. Moreover, there are wedding accessories to match the colour, material, texture and pattern of any bride’s or bridegroom’s attire. The most important reason for using wedding accessories is because they act as the finishing touches that deliver a complete look to the bride and groom when fully dressed. In the case of a bride, items such as tiara, veil, gloves, shoes, jewellery, bouquet, etc., are some of the most common and popular wedding accessories. Insofar as the bridegroom, items such as tie pin, cufflinks, necktie, cravat, bowtie, wedding socks, shoes, etc. are essential. However, wedding accessories are not confined only to the bride and bridegroom, but can extend to include page boys, flower girls, bridesmaids, best men and all close relatives of both bride and groom. For this segment of people, there are a limitless number of wedding accessories to match the clothes they wear for any particular wedding.
The truth is, wedding accessories can consume a significant portion of a wedding budget. However, this may not be a constraint for the elite or high income groups. Fortunately, there are numerous options for low-budget weddings and suitable, inexpensive, wedding accessories can easily be found. Owing to the phenomenal growth in demand for wedding accessories, numerous outlets selling such items have mushroomed in virtually every major city around the world. Apart from these, there are also several small businesses and creative individuals who are involved in the making of wedding accessories. Such items are readily available ex-stock, or can be made to order, based on any specific designs, patterns, materials or colours that the bride and groom may desire. The choice, value and nature of wedding accessories do not vary from couple to couple, but even from culture to culture, or country to country. Top socialites, celebrities and the elite in most western countries spend enormous sums of money on wedding accessories, however, in some oil-rich, Middle East countries and India, most weddings can be lavish and ostentatious in style and spend. In these countries, gold jewellery is the item of choice for wedding accessories by most upper income, elite class, socialite and celebrity couples.
The other BIG reason why wedding accessories are so important is because long after the occasion, these items act as eternal mementos to remember that joyous day, when two people pledged their love to each other. If marriages are a lifelong commitment, wedding accessories are truly lifelong memories.
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