Flower seed are the most obvious choice for wedding favors & many couples will choose flowers according to the style & theme of their wedding day. For instance if their floral arrangements included bright sunflowers, then their wedding favors would consist of sunflower seeds. Another reason for choosing flower seed as favors is because we often associate flowers with love & romance. Other popular flower seeds include poppies, wild flowers, forget-me-nots & daisies.
However, many of these flowers tend to be annuals & so are gone in just one year. Consider vegetable or herb seeds as a nice alternative for your wedding favors. Vegetable seeds will give back a healthy crop of fresh organic produce (hopefully) & as such maybe appreciated more by your guests than a box of heart shaped chocolates ever would. Make sure though that you buy seeds that work in conjunction with your wedding theme & that planting & care instructions are included, otherwise your guests maybe left somewhat confused!
Evergreen seeds make for an everlasting gift, although might fir trees may not be suitable for every guest’s garden! However, trees do make for a symbol of strength & everlasting life & are perfect for sharing your hopes of a long life with your guests.
Aside from seed packets you will also find plantable wedding favors. These little

If you give seeds look for those available with personalized packets so you can add your names & wedding date. If you aren’t sure what to give each guest, why not place all the packets in a box or decorative dish & let them choose for themselves. That way they will get a plant that suits their lifestyle, gardening abilities & the size of garden they have at home. There is little point in giving out seeds for tall trees if all they have is a window box!
As you will discover packets of seeds gives for a wide of variety of wedding favors & can be coordinated to your wedding style easily, be it in color or species. The gift of seeds as a wedding favor brings a natural beauty to your wedding day.
Source: http://www.free-articles-zone.com/article/254888/